Wakulla County Clerk of the Courts - Brent X. Thurmond Wakulla County Courthouses

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Budget Approval Process

The budget serves as the key tool for setting operational and capital project spending priorities and is legally enacted each fiscal year. Preparation of the proposed budget for direct spending by the BOCC is the responsibility of the County Administrator. A new development for 2006-07 was the creation of the Office of Management & Budget (OMB). OMB is responsible for developing the preliminary budget that is presented to the BOCC and the public.

After preparation, the proposed budget is then presented to the citizens and the BOCC at two public hearings in September. Final adjustments to the proposed budget may be made by a majority of the BOCC at these hearings. These hearings are also used to set the annual property tax millage rate. All budgets are required to be balanced, with all expenditures supported by identified funding sources.

A link to the Wakulla County BOCC Budget has been provided. While we welcome any calls, most budgeting questions should be directed to the OMB office.

Our office provides monthly financial statements to the BOCC administration, OMB and all county departments to assist them in monitoring their annual budget. We also provide quarterly and annual reports that are useful for budgetary review and analysis.

Interim Revenue Monitoring Report

Revenue Monitoring Report 2007