3056 Crawfordville Highway, Crawfordville Florida 32327
~ 850-926-0905

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Wakulla County Clerk Seal


Courthouse Attire

The following clothing items are not permitted in the Wakulla County Courthouse.

Clothing should be consistent with the seriousness and dignity of the judicial process.

  • No Halter tops, tank tops, see through tops, bare-midriff tops, tops with open backs or bare shoulders.
  • No sheer or revealing blouses/shirts. Shirts must be completely buttoned, undergarments should not be visible.
  • No short shorts or mini-skirts/dresses, swim wear, bathing suites, lingerie or pajamas.
  • No pants that allow undergarments or skin to show, such as low cut hip-huggers and loose fitting pants that expose boxer shorts.
  • No clothing with foul language, obscene images/pictures/symbols or related drug or gang materials.

We reserve the right to deny entrance into the building based on compliance with this dress code.

Contact Options:

Addresses and Phone Numbers Contact
Office Directory Office Directory
Office Directory Clerk Holiday Schedule
Office Directory 2nd Circuit Holiday Schedule
Office Directory Courthouse Parking
Office Directory Dresscode